The Sisters, The Story

Why traveling should always be done butt naked:

  • When you enter another country, culture, or community, especially one that’s very different from your own, everyone is going to stare at you… like you’re butt naked.
  • If you really want to engage with and immerse yourself in another culture, you have to strip away everything that you carry with you, all of your biases, your judgements, and your expectations. You’ve got to be mentally butt naked.
  • There is a moment when you connect with people, despite language barriers and religious beliefs, despite dietary restrictions and conflicting etiquette, an understanding of a human connection that goes all the way back to a time when we were all butt naked.
  • If you’re butt naked because you gave someone in need not only the sweat of your brow but the shirt of your back and everything that you had in you, then you’re doing it right.

We are Christine and Sarah Mock; writers, photographers, and travelers extraordinaire.

This blog serves two purposes; to keep our friends and family around the world informed of our adventures (and overall wellbeing), and to keep in contact with each other.

The plan: for an indefinite amount of time, the two of us will be continent hopping and writing about our butt naked experiences in the world.

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