Who Am I Bowing To Now?: A Who’s Who of Hindu Dieties

As a relatively religiously literate person (Thanks, Problem of God!), I have been struggling with the Hindu cast of deities since Day One in India. Whether it’s enormous, beautiful, elaborate temples full of jewel-encrusted figures, cages on the sidewalk that stand about knee-high with grande-sized inhabitants, or the tiny alter full of six-inch gods that sits in my host parent’s living room, these mysterious figures are just about everywhere you look.

I decided to set out on the quest of identifying the Hindu gods (Thanks Wikipedia!). What follows are my field notes, not to be mistaken for a summarization or generalization of the complex and wonderful faith that is Hinduism, but just as a quick guide of names, faces, and a few important facts.


Name: Para Brahman (AKA Parameshvara, Ishvara, Bhagavan, Brahman, Paramatma)

Place in the Hindu Family (approximately): Grandpa

Known as: The Creator

The Whip: A swan (though can also be found chillin’ hard on a lotus flower)

How do I know it’s him?: He has 4 heads, 4 arms, and a reddish complexion (however, Para Brahman is not commonly worshipped, so to be real, it’s probably not him if you’re in a temple).



Name: Saraswati (AKA  Adi Para Shikti)

Place in the Hindu Family: Eldest Great Aunt

Known as: Goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts, Wife of Brahma

The Whip: A swan

How do I know it’s her?: She sits on a white lotus playing a veena


Name: Shiva

Place in the Hindu Family: Middle Great Uncle

Known as: The Destroyer / Transformer

The Whip: A bull

How do I know it’s him?: He has matted hair, a third eye, a blue throat and a trident in his hand (may be worshiped in the featureless lingam form).


Name: Lakshmi

Place in the Hindu Family: Middle Great Aunt

Known as: Goddess of wealth and prosperity, wife of Vishnu

The Whip: An owl

How do I know it’s her?: She is usually depicted bestowing coins and flanked by elephants, though her footprints are more common than her countenance, which are often put near entrances to houses or businesses to attract wealth.


Name: Vishnu

Place in the Hindu Family: Other Great Uncle

Known as: The Preserver

The Whip: A garuda (bird)

How do I know it’s him?: He has 4 arms, a blueish complexion, and rests on a snake.


Name: Parvati

Place in the Hindu Family: Youngest Great Aunt

Known as: The Divine Mother, Shiva’s Wife

The Whip: A lion

How do I know it’s her?: Parvati has many forms, such as the popular Durga and Kali ; often shown together with Saraswati and Lakshmi as the tridevi (‘triple goddess’)


Name: Ganesha (AKA Ganapatya)

Place in the Hindu Family: Parvati and Shiva’s Son

Known as: God of the intellect and the remover of obstacles

The Whip: A lowly mouse

How do I know it’s him?: He has an elephant’s head but a rotund man’s body.


Name: Kartikay (AKA Karttikeya, Kumara, Guha, Murugan)

Place in the Hindu Family: Ganesha’s brother, Parvati and Shiva’s Son

Known as: Scientist of the Gods, God of War

The Whip: A peacock, killer of serpents

How do I know it’s him?: Kartikay has six heads (one to please each of his adopted mothers) and was the commander of the army of the gods. He is very popular in Tamil areas, and is known as Skanda.


Name: Durga

Place in the Hindu Family: Younger Great Aunt

Known as: A fiercer form of Parvati

The Whip: A fierce tiger/lion

How do I know it’s her?: She has ten arms holding many weapons.


Name: Kali

Place in the Hindu Family: Youngest Great Aunt

Known as: Goddess of time and death

The Whip: A donkey

How do I know it’s her?: She is usually portrayed as dark (physically) and violent


Name: Rama

Place in the Hindu Family: Reincarnated Vishnu

Known as: The 7th avatar of Vishnu

How do I know it’s him?: If you’re reading the epic story Ramayana, then you’re reading about him.


Name: Krishna

Place in the Hindu Family: Reincarnated Vishnu

Known as: The 8th avatar of Vishnu

How do I know it’s him?: Krishna is usually portrayed as a child and a prankster, or as a lover with his beloved, Radha. He often plays the flute and has blueish skin.


Name: Hanuman

Place in the Hindu Family: Rama’s Sidekick

Known for: Courage, power, and faithful, selfless service

How do I know it’s him?: He is an ape-like god known for assisting Rama, and is often shown with him.


Name: Surya

Known as: God of the Sun

The Whip: A horse-drawn chariot

How do I know it’s him?: He is depicted in a chariot being pulled by 7 horses or 1 horse with 7 heads. There is probably a sun near him.


Name: Indra

Known as: King of the Gods, God of Weather and War

The Whip: A white elephant called Airavata,

How do I know it’s him?: He wields a lightning bolt and is often depicted with red skin


Name: Agni

Place in the Hindu Family: Royal Messenger

Known as: God of Fire and Acceptor of Sacrifices

The Whip: A Ram

How do I know it’s him?: He has two heads, three legs, and two or seven heads


Name: Annapurna

Place in the Hindu Family: Incarnation of Parvati

Known as: Goddess of Food and Cooking

Superpower: Can supply food to an unlimited amount of people

How do I know it’s her?: You will probably see her providing food, and thus energy (shakti) to Lord Shiva. You’ll probably see her around kitchens, restaurants, and dinner tables.


Name: Balrama

Place in the Hindu Family: Krishna’s Brother

Known as: God of Strength

Superpower: Protects from desires, symbolizes duty, honesty, and simplicity, perfect family man

How do I know it’s her?: Often depicted conquering the demon Dhenuka (a hair, clawed, mustached giant) or releasing Krishna’s son, Samba, from prison.

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